Friday, February 25, 2011

Walk A Paragraph

            My leg felt like it was frozen. Every morning was like this, a battle to just get out of bed. I guess that is just the side effect of getting old but it doesn't make it any easier. Today is important, every couple of days a group of us retirees meet for coffee. I guess one could say that this was the most important event of the week for me, few times I get out. My leg is like a chain. It forces me to stay at home most of the time making it a struggle to get out. I have been lonely since my wife passed on, empty void in my life. Living in a small apartment doesn't help, never liked to cook and clean. I suppose that's why I enjoy spending so much time out at the mall, always people around. I suppose the food is okay but doesn't compare to my wife's. I still have two hours before we are supposed to meet. I still get up early, been years since I had to go work at my desk job but getting up early is a part of me now. Strategically, I get ready for the day, careful not to put too much weight on my right leg. Still dress semi-formal. My job meant for to me more then I thought at the time I retired but I am too old to work anyway. Habits don't change. I grabbed by black socks and polished dress shoes. It was cold. I feel it more as I get older. Putting on my favourite sports jacket and toque I do a quick glace down at my watch, still an hour and a half till we meet. Leaving the apartment I headed to the elevator, used to take the stairs but even that is too difficult for me now. I take the bus now, owning a car is too much effort the small amount of places I go. Thankfully the bus stop is only a few hundred feet away, for me it feels like a mile. I am on the list for hip surgery but they say my condition isn't severe enough. Never liked the cold waits for the bus but I knew I timed it right, the bus on schedule. I do like the new buses, they are much more prompt and the seats hurt my hip much less. Thankfully the mall is only a few stops away anyway. I do enjoy the small city, my wife convinced me to move here. Used to enjoy the busyness of the large cities, I was hesitant at first to move here, though now I wouldn't move away. The bus stopped, I got off. The mall just opened and on these days I am usually one of the first people here. I move to my usual spot, it is always the same people here at this hour. I grab a stack of paper, now that I am retired I can finally spend time interested in the news.  I think that is true for most of us who get together for coffee, since we can't get out and do something interesting there would not be much to talk about. The seats at the mall hurt my hip, tough to tolerate for long periods. Putting a few papers as cushions help a relieve the agony a bit but it is getting tougher as my hip gets worse. I miss the large papers of the big city, takes more then a few minutes to read. I usually buy the snacks for the group, not much other uses for my money now that it is too hard to travel. After glancing at some fliers for a bit I hear John come up.
            "Hi Malcolm! How are you holding out?" John said while taking a seat, he too puts papers on the seat. He has needed to use a walker for some time now and he also has a tough time getting out to our meetings. Like most of us he wouldn't miss this time for anything.
            "I'm going pretty good, do you want some coffee?" I asked already knowing the answer. Looking over I see A&W opening up, making my way over I help the lady open it. The nice lady who seems to always be the one who has to open the restaurant, after I help here move the metal door she prepares my order of two coffees before I even need to ask. Thanking her I go back and give John his coffee, before long we are discussing the news. The rest of the group starts trickling in, within a few minutes there are six of us around the table. Laughter breaks out as we discuss the current events. We are like a community, all of us sharing so much in common and knows that this morning coffee means so much in combating the loneliness of being retired.  

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