Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hypothetical Blog

What if the world no longer needed oil as the primary energy source? If the technology came out tomorrow that no longer requires the use of fossil fuels for transportation and energy how would the world handle it? What if it caused the world to dissolve into anarchy and chaos starting World War III? The entire balance of power will be shifted. Would almost the entire Middle East would be destabilized and broke and massive multi-national oil corporations losing their money with countries going bankrupt from the loss in tax revenue. The USA's trillion dollars worth of oil reserves become worthless overnight; would the world's last superpower fail and go broke? Currencies might fail, hyper-inflation might cause mass starvation and whoever controls the new power supply would suddenly became the most powerful person in the world, if they can keep control of it. War will break out over the new energy supply. It will continue to escalate until the entire world is engulfed in total war, perhaps even nuclear annihilation. That of course would be the worst case scenario. It poses the question that perhaps there might be more than global warming concerning the use of oil. There might be technologies out there that will make the use of oil obsolete but who will sponsor the development of them while risking global destabilization and lose of profits. Oil is pretty much the only currency out there and if energy would suddenly become free what would the implications be? Would the richest people in the world freely give up their wealth for the good of the world or will they fight to keep what they have and bring Earth down with them. I would hope that they have humanities best interests at heart but time will tell their true intentions.

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